
DVB-S2 Satellite Data Receiver and IP Multicast Router

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DVB-S2 Compliant

Enhance efficiency, supports multistream VCM operation with ISI filtering, operates up to 32APSK.  


Efficient, flexible, best value on the market.


Modular, small footprint, drops into network design, easy to use, easy to monitor


  The S300D is a low cost, com­pact and robust data receiver that receives a DVB-S or DVB-S2 satel­lite sig­nal and passes the IP data onto your LAN. It is per­fectly suited for con­sumer or small-medium enter­prise use, deliv­er­ing IP-based appli­ca­tions over satel­lite such as IP multicast media streaming, weather imag­ing and data, dis­tance edu­ca­tion, dig­i­tal sig­nage, file dis­tri­b­u­tion, and Inter­net over satel­lite to a sin­gle com­puter or to a net­work of computers.